Redevelopment and info for Private tuition clients.

Now that our students have left Riverside for the summer the builders will be moving in as work begins on the next exciting phase of our redevelopment.
The work, starting on Monday the 15th June, will implement our progressive plan to completely redesign our existing single story annex building which houses Studio 2 and our pre production/rehearsal suites.
Opening in time for the new term in August, the redesign will include a new multi control room production facility complimenting Studio 2, this will allow for an increased, integrated ‘hands on learning experience for our students. We will also be introducing a modern and interactive seminar suite which will replace our existing classroom whilst our pre production suites will also undergo an upgrade.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page and Twitter for more updates as the work progresses.
We can’t wait to get started.
*Info for Private Tuition clients during summer building works.
Building work commencing June 15th
Please be aware that while disruption will be kept to a minimum, all private tuition during the building works will take place in our educational building and in Studio 1. We will be closed to Private tuition clients from Friday the 17th of July until Saturday the 1st of August when we fully reopen as normal.
If you require any further information please get in touch or ask us on your next visit.