Riverside Announce Partnership With Focusrite, Novation and KRK Systems

We're very happy to announce that we're partnering with Focusrite, Novation and KRK Systems. These deals will help the complex to remain at the technological forefront in delivering our education programmes and provide real benefits to our students.
Focusrite have earned a world-class reputation in both analogue and digital environments, producing award-winning preamps, digital conversion systems, computer audio interfaces and high quality outboard hardware and plugins.
Novation are often credited for creating the first dedicated MIDI controller along with their hugely popular drum station and bass station analogue synths. Their reputation is strengthened by the fact that the equipment is designed by musicians for musicians. KRK Systems, part of the Gibson group of brands, were founded in 1986. They produce a wide range of studio monitor systems and headphones that are trusted by studio engineers throughout the world.
Our students will be able to benefit from seminars, open days, and workshops delivered by Focusrite's highly-acclaimed product development and design team.